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- レーザプロセシングは、既に産業界において製造工程の様々な段階に導入されています。レーザは高い制御性を伴って非接触かつ超細密な加工を行えるため、製造における高度化と極めて高い親和性を持っています。レーザによる切断、溶接、熱処理はもちろんのこと、多光子過程の利用を含めた多彩な相互作用はあらゆる分野において活用されています。
- 寺川研では、3Sをキーワードとしたレーザプロセシングの研究を行っています。3Sとは、Soft (stretchable, shrinkable), Small, Sensitiveの頭文字です。
- 高強度光と物質の相互作用の物理を軸として、金属や透明誘電体等に加え、バイオマテリアル、細胞、ハイドロゲル等もレーザ加工の対象として研究を進めています。研究では、萌芽的段階からスタートして新しい応用・概念を示すことに特に注力しています。
- レーザを使うことにより、これまでに無いバイオデバイス、アクティブインプラント、環境調和型のデバイスを実現するための基盤技術を創出し、将来、インテリジェント化したハイテク工場で「やわらかいもの」が高速に生産される、そんな未来を思い描いています。
キーワード:ソフトマテリアルの超短パルスレーザ加工、レーザ誘起グラフェン、多光子還元、ハイドロゲルの機能化、光刺激アクチュエーション -
Laser processing has already been introduced into various stages of the manufacturing process in the industrial sector. Because lasers can perform non-contact and ultra-precise processing with high controllability, they are highly compatible with advanced manufacturing. Various interactions, including cutting, welding, heat treatment using lasers, as well as the use of multiphoton processes, are utilized in all fields.
At the Terawawa Lab, research on laser processing is conducted with the keyword "3S": Soft (stretchable, shrinkable), Small, and Sensitive.Based on the physics of the interaction between high-intensity light and matter, research is being conducted not only on metals and transparent dielectrics but also on biomaterials, cells, hydrogels, and other materials. The focus of the research is particularly on demonstrating new applications and concepts, starting from fundamentals.
By utilizing lasers, we aim to establish foundational technologies to realize unprecedented bio-devices, active implants, and environmentally friendly devices. Envisioning a future where "soft devices" are rapidly produced in intelligent high-tech factories, we are imagining a future where soft materials are rapidly manufactured.
Keywords: femtosecond laser processing of soft materials, laser-induced graphene, multiphoton reduction, functionalization of hydrogels, and photo-stimulated actuation.
Research Highlights
2024 【論文】環境負荷の低い蓄電デバイスの作製に向けた多孔質炭素構造の作製とスーパーキャパシタへの応用
天然由来の生分解性複合シートへのレーザ光照射において、複合シートに重曹 (NaHCO3) を混合することでナノスケールの孔を有する導電性炭素構造を作製しました。多孔質構造は表面積が大きいため、スーパーキャパシタ の電極へと応用することで蓄電性能が向上します。本研究に用いた生分解性材料は土壌中で最終的に水と二酸化炭素に分解されます。また重曹も腐食性および生体毒性が低い材料です。
本研究で作製したスーパーキャパシタは、その使用時のみならず廃棄時においても環境負荷が低い蓄電デバイスとして自然環境中で使用されることが期待されます 。
本研究はAdvanced Engineering Materialsに掲載されました。
https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.2024013012024 Fabrication of porous carbon structures and their application to supercapacitors for the development of energy storage devices with low environmental impact
In the laser irradiation of natural-derived biodegradable composite sheets, we fabricated conductive carbon structures with nanoscale pores by incorporating sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) with the composite sheets. Due to its large surface area, the porous structure improves energy storage performance when applied to the electrodes for supercapacitors. The biodegradable materials used in this study ultimately decompose into water and carbon dioxide in the natural environment. In addition, sodium bicarbonate has low corrosivity and low biotoxicity.
The supercapacitor fabricated in this study is expected to be an energy storage device with low environmental impact, not only during its use but also at the time of disposal, making it suitable for use in natural environments.
This paper has been published in Advanced Engineering Materials.
https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.2024013012024 【論文】高速レーザ走査による金微細構造の作製と透過率制御への応用
本研究はACS Applied Optical Materialsに掲載されました。
https://doi.org/10.1021/acsaom.3c004702024 Fabrication of gold microstructures by high-speed laser scanning and application to optical transmittance control
We demonstrated the fabrication of gold microstructures within a thermoresponsive hydrogel using multiphoton photoreduction method, along with transmittance control by light stimulation.
By using a galvanometer scanner system and an acousto-optic modulator for high-speed scanning, we mitigated thermal effects in the multiphoton photoreduction. This method minimized the distortion of the gold microstructures during fabrication. Additionally, this method shortened the response time of volume phase transition of thermoresponsive hydrogels, resulted in optical transmittance control by light stimulation with the hydrogel. This research holds promise for the application of optical devices using hydrogels.
This paper has been published in ACS Applied Optical Materials.
本研究はAdvanced Electronic Materialsに掲載されました。
https://doi.org/10.1002/aelm.2022012772023 Laser direct writing of conductive structures on hydrogels for supercapacitor fabrication
Direct writing of conductive structures by simple laser irradiation was demonstrated for the first time, and the presented method was applied for the fabrication of hydrogel-based supercapacitor. Hydrogels are widely used for biomedical products including contact lenses, owing to its high biocompatibility. The presented method realizes the facile fabrication of hydrogel-based electronic devices (e.g., smart contact lenses).
This paper has been published in Advanced Electronic Materials.
本研究はRSC Advancesに掲載されました。
https://doi.org/10.1039/D2RA05641K2022 Fabrication of Supercapacitor using Laser-induced Graphene Derived from Bamboo
Laser-induced graphene patterned on a renewable biomass resource, bamboo, was used as the electrodes of the supercapacitor. The proposed method allows for the fabrication of environmentally-friendly supercapacitors comprised of all renewable biomass resources.
This paper has been published in RSC Advances.
レーザーパルスを透明高分子材料に集光照射することで、レーザービームの軌跡に沿って描くように蛍光性を示すグラフェン量子ドット(Graphene Quantum Dots: GQDs)が生成されることを明らかにしました。
本研究はNano Lettersに掲載されました。
また、慶應義塾からプレスリリースが配信されました。https://www.keio.ac.jp/ja/press-releases/2022/1/25/28-92277/2021 The “Drawing” of Graphene Quantum Dots with a Laser
Quantum dots are nano-sized particles that exhibit photoluminescence owing to quantum confinement effects and are desirable materials for applications such as light-emitting diodes, biomarkers, and anticounterfeiting security tags. Particularly, GQDs have attracted significant attention as an eco-friendly alternative to conventional QDs in the context of sustainable development. In this work, it has been revealed that by irradiating and scanning focused ultrashort laser pulses, GQDs can be simultaneously synthesized and patterned along desired paths, similar to drawing with a pen. Since the presented method is based on multiphoton interactions, GQDs can be patterned, not just two-dimensionally on the surface, but three-dimensionally inside of the transparent polymer substrate. This work expands the possibilities of GQDs for applications in novel flexible optoelectrical devices.
The paper has been published in Nano Letters.
本研究はAdvanced Engineering Materialsに掲載されました。
https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.2021004572021 Laser-induced Graphitization of PDMS for Soft, Small, and Sensitive Pressure Sensors
Highly crystalline graphene was directly written onto the surface of native PDMS. Although most previous studies demonstrated the formation of laser-induced graphene (LIG) from polyimide, we demonstrated the formation of LIG from PDMS by utilizing a femtosecond laser. Furthermore, by exploiting the elasticity of PDMS and the high conductivity of graphene, a small and highly sensitive pressure sensor was fabricated. Measurement of the heart rate from just the index finger was demonstrated using the sensor.
The paper has been published in Advanced Engineering Materials.
本研究はACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineeringに掲載されました。
https://doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c091532021 Femtosecond Laser-Induced Graphitization of Transparent Cellulose Nanofiber Films
The fabrication of highly conductive graphitic carbon from cellulose nanofiber, a sustainable biomass, using a high-repetition femtosecond laser was demonstrated. The fabricated structures were composed of highly crystalline graphitic carbon that exhibit a conductivity more than 100 times higher than the that reported previously. Our presented technique will contribute to realize sustainable electronic devices using mechanically robust and transparent CNF films.
This paper has been published in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
https://doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c091532020年 【論文】ハイドロゲルを光駆動させる金属微細構造
本研究はOptical Materials Expressに掲載されました。
https://www.osapublishing.org/ome/abstract.cfm?uri=ome-10-8-19312020 Light-triggered actuation of hydrogel
We achieved actuation of stimulus-responsive hydrogels using metal microstructures fabricated by multiphoton reduction. Leveraging the ability to selectively fabricate structures at the micron and sub-micron scales, we experimentally demonstrated hydrogels bending in different directions depending on the illuminated wavelength.
This paper has been published in Optical Materials Express.
https://www.osapublishing.org/ome/abstract.cfm?uri=ome-10-8-19312020年 【論文】結晶性シリコンカーバイドおよび多層グラフェンの生成
本研究はNanoscale Advancesに掲載されました。
https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2020/na/d0na00133c#!divAbstract2020 Synthesis of silicon carbide nanocrystals and multilayer graphitic carbon
Detailed analyses of femtosecond-laser-modified regions of native PDMS were performed. Micro- and nano-scale investigation of the laser irradiated areas revealed the formation of SiC nanocrystals, as well as multilayer graphitic carbon. Furthermore, electrical conductivity measurements, in addition to Raman analyses, indicated that the formation of graphitic carbon contribute to the electrical conductivity of the structures.
The paper has been published in Nanoscale Advances.
この研究はJournal of Biophotonicsに掲載されました。
https://doi.org/10.1002/jbio.2020000372020 Myoblast adhesion and proliferation on biodegradable polymer films with fs laser-fabricated micro through-holes
Acceleration of myoblast adhesion and proliferation were demonstrated by using micro through-holes fabricated by femtosecond laser processing. Cell differentiation was also accelerated along with the structures consisting of micro through-holes. The fabrication of micro through-holes is a promising technique to control cell functions which is necessary for tissue engineering.
The paper has been published in Journal of Biophotonics.
https://doi.org/10.1002/jbio.2020000372019年【論文】 ソフトマテリアル内部に異種の金属微細構造を作製
この研究はOptics Expressに掲載されました。
https://www.osapublishing.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-27-10-146572019 Laser direct writing of multi-metal microstructures inside a soft material
The spatially-targeted fabrication of bimetallic microstructure coexisting in the hydrogel is demonstrated by multi-photon photoreduction. The fabrication of dissimilar metal structures, that exhibit different optical properties, is a promising technique for optically driven actuators in soft robotics and sensing applications. Formation of core-shell nanoparticles is also observed.
The paper has been published in Optics Express.